Dietary Fiber

The role of dietary fiber in the regulation of human body is very important. It is not able to digest in
the human gut and affects the moisture absorption of moisture in the digestive system. It can increase the
volume of food inside the intestines and stomach, increase satiety, and makes easier in weight loss. It can
promote gastrointestinal peristalsis to relieve constipation and absorb the harmful materials in the gut,
elevating their removal. Likewise, dietary fiber can improve the intestinal flora and provide energy and
nutrition for probiotics proliferation and also dietary fiber helps to reduce postprandial blood glucose,
insulin, and triglyceride absorption and can reduces blood cholesterol levels. Reduced concentrations of
faecal bile acids are compared with lowering cancer risk. Dietary fiber can include soluble dietary fiber and
insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber refers to fibers that cannot be decomposed or absorbed by
human bodies but are partially soluble in water. Examples of Soluble dietary fiber are some gums, such as
pectin, gum Arabic, guar gum, and glucan, and also include some biological polysaccharides and synthetic
polysaccharides. Insoluble dietary fiber is a fiber that cannot be digested or absorbed by human bodies and
is insoluble in water. Insoluble dietary fiber includes some components of the structure of cell walls, such as
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.

Why Is Fiber Good for You?

Fiber is one of the main source plant foods which are good for you. Adequate fiber consumption may
reduce risk of chronic disease and digestion problems. Many of these benefits are intervene by your gut
micro flora -The millions of bacteria that live in your digestive system. Each type has different health
effects. This article explains the functions, health benefits, recommended dietary allowances and sources.


Main use in consumption fiber reduces constipation. Fiber is declared to help absorb water, increase
the bulk of your stool and speed up the movement of your stool through the intestine. It increases the water
content of your stool has a laxative effect, while fiber that adds to the dry mass of stool without increasing
its water content have a constipating effect. Soluble fibers form a gel in the digestive tract and are not
fermented by gut micro flora are rarely effective. An example of a gel-forming fiber is psyllium.

Reduce Cholesterol

Soluble fiber can also lowers your cholesterol levels. Even so, the effect isn’t nearly as effective as
you expect. Whether this has any expressive effects in the long term is unknown, though many observational
studies show that people who eat more fiber have a lower risk of heart disease.

Lose Weight

Few types of fiber can help in losing weight by reducing your appetite. Actually, some studies show
that consumption high dietary fiber can leads to weight loss. Fiber can soak up water in the intestine,
slowing the absorption of nutrients and increasing sense of fullness. This depends on the type of fiber. Some
type fibers do not have effect on weight, while certain soluble fibers can have a significant effect.

Feeds “Good” Gut Bacteria

Majority of bacteria live in the gut, originally the large intestine. About 500 different species of
bacteria live in the intestine, these gut bacteria are also known as the gut flora. These bacteria are not bad. In
fact, there is a mutually beneficial relationship between you and some of the bacteria that live in your
digestive system. You provide food, shelter and a safe habitat for the bacteria. In return, they take care of
some activities that your body cannot do on its own. Some bacteria are needed for various phase of your
health, including weight, blood sugar control and immune function you may surprise what this has to do
with fiber. Just like any other organism, bacteria need to eat to get energy to survive and function. Human
cells don’t have the enzymes to digest fiber, because it moves to the large intestine. However, intestinal
bacteria do have the enzymes to digest many of these fibers. This is the most important reason why dietary
fibers are important for health. They feed the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, functioning as prebiotics;
they promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can have various positive effects on health The
beneficial micro flora produces nutrients for the body, such as short-chain fatty acids like propionate, acetate
and propionate and butyrate. These short-chain fatty acids can cater the cells in the colon which leads to
reduced gut inflammation and improvements in digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and
ulcerative colitis. When fiber is fermented by the bacteria, produce gases. This account to high-fiber diets
can be reason for flatulence and stomach discomfort in you.

Body Builders of Pre-Independence India. Source: Barbell and Muscle Control Exercises, Keshab Sen Gupta and Bishnu Charan Ghosh.
Body Builders of Pre-Independence India. Source: Barbell and Muscle Control Exercises, Keshab Sen Gupta and Bishnu Charan Ghosh.
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