Food for Blood Health

Blood health is important life. Blood circulates through our body and delivers essential substances
like oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. It also transports metabolic waste products away from those
same cells. The most important function of our blood is to deliver oxygen from our lungs to the farthest
parts of our body while removing carbon dioxide and other waste products. Hormones, immune cells, and
signalling molecules all travel through the blood in order to support the body’s vital processes. Your blood,
which carries nutrients, hormones, immune cells and oxygen throughout your body, also removes wastes
and helps conserve and disperse heat. Blood components are meant to be used or disposed of rapidly,
resulting in high cell turnover and also high nutritional requirements.

How to increase your red blood cell count?

Anemia occurs when your red blood cell (RBC) count is low. If your RBC count is low, your body
has to work harder to deliver oxygen throughout your body. RBCs are the most common cells in human
blood. The body produces millions each day. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and circulate
around the body. Then, they go to the liver, which destroys them and recycles their cellular components.
Anemia can put you at risk for a number of complications, so it’s important to get your Red blood cells
levels back on foot path as soon as possible.

Few foods to increase your blood cell count

Iron – red meat, such as beef, organ meat, such as kidney and liver, dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as
spinach and kale, dried fruits, such as prunes and raisins, legumes egg yolks.
Folic acid – Adding certain B vitamins to your diet can also be beneficial. Foods high in vitamin B-9 (folic
acid) includes enriched breads, enriched cereals. Dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.
Copper – Copper intake doesn’t directly result in RBC production, but it can help your RBCs access the iron
they need to replicate. Foods high in copper include poultry, shellfish, and liver.

How to improve blood circulation?

1) Increase consumption of herbs – Herbs is very safe and effective when it comes to treating any
sickness. The family of herb also includes ginseng roots that are known to strengthen immunity and
increase blood circulation.
2) Reduce salt consumption – Intake of excess salt can lead to raising blood pressure and cause
bloating, which in turn hampers the blood flow. Hence, if not normal food, you must reduce
processed food consumption like canned foods, ketchup sauce, frozen foods containing high amount
of sodium.
3) Eat more nuts – Consuming healthy nuts including almond and walnuts help in bettering the blood
flow. Consume nuts that are high in vitamins A, B, C and E and those which are high in magnesium
and iron. Nuts can help improve circulation by reducing inflammation and oxidative damage in the
4) Keep your body hydrated – Our organs require staying hydrated to function correctly. Fluid is
responsible for burn up toxins from our system and improves the blood circulation helping body to
avoid any health hazard.

Body Builders of Pre-Independence India. Source: Barbell and Muscle Control Exercises, Keshab Sen Gupta and Bishnu Charan Ghosh.
Body Builders of Pre-Independence India. Source: Barbell and Muscle Control Exercises, Keshab Sen Gupta and Bishnu Charan Ghosh.
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